Where to catch YPS during 2025

Throughout 2025, YPS will be presenting the latest developments in shrink wrapping and ecommerce solutions at a number of packaging industry trade events.

We'll also be showing our range of sustainable flexible packaging materials.

Our Team will be on hand to talk through your needs and how we can help with your packaging goals during this year.

Click on the links below to register for the event that's most convenient to you. All will be held at the NEC, Birmingham.

We're always happy to arrange demonstrations at our own automated packaging showroom in Yorkshire too - please get in touch if you'd like to visit.

Register by clicking the following links:

Empack & Packaging Innovations, 12 & 13 Feb

Intralogistex, 25 & 26 March

Foodex Manufacturing Solutions, 7,8 & 9 April

PPMA Show, 23-25 Sept (Registration not yet open)

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